Work in Progress
The Elite Versus the People: Democratic Crisis and Renewal in Contemporary Chile
with Jorge Atria and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser
Book project, under contract with Cambridge University Press -
Political Behaviour: Actors and Institutions
with Sofia Collignon
Book Project, Sage -
We did not see it coming: The unintended polarization induced by an institutional reform. The case of the Chilean Constitutional Tribunal
with Jorge Fábrega and Sammy Drobny -
Non-response Bias in Candidate Surveys
with Sofia Collignon and Wolfgang Rüdig -
Fluid Coalitions: Gendered Debates and Political Alliances in the Chilean Constitutional Assembly
with Julieta Suarez-Cao
Journal Articles
Local media, local candidates and preference formation with Sofía Collignon
Political Research Exchange Volume 7(1), 2025 -
Why vote for an independent? The relevance of negative identity, independent identity, and dealignment in a pro-independent political environment
with Noam Titelman
Party Politics, 30(6), 2025. -
Intertwined fates? Members switching between niche and mainstream parties
with Sofía Collignon, Wolfgang Rüdig, Chrysa Lamprinakou and Iakovos Makropoulos
Party Politics, 29(5), 2023. -
Parenthood, employment, anxiety, gender, and race: drivers of non-compliance with lockdown measures
with Sofia Collignon
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31(sup1), pp.245-258. 2021 -
Chile 2020: pandemia y plebiscito constitucional
with Carlos Meléndez and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser
Revista de Ciencia Política (Santiago) 41(2), 263-290. 2021 -
Informed, uninformed or misinformed? A cross-national analysis of populist party supporters across European democracies
with Stijn van Kessel and Steven van Hauwaert
West European Politics 44(3), 585-610. 2020 -
Green party members and grass-roots democracy: A comparative analysis
with Wolfgang Rüdig
Party Politics 26(1), 21-31. 2020 -
Local means local, does it? Regional identification and preferences for local candidates
with Sofia Collignon
Electoral studies 56, 170-178. 2018 -
Civil society in times of crisis: Understanding collective action dynamics in digitally-enabled volunteer networks
with Yannis Theocharis and Silia Vitoratou
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 22(5), 248-265. 2017 -
The formation of political discourse within online networks: the case of the occupy movement
with Jorge Fábrega
International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering 3(3/4), 210-222. 2014 -
Tweeting alone? An analysis of bridging and bonding social capital in online networks
with Jennifer Hudson, David Hudson, Niheer Dasandi and Yannis Theocharis
American Politics Research 43(4), 2014 -
Is the Internet Changing our Conception of Democracy? An Analysis of the Internet Use During Protests and its Efect on the Perception of Democracy
Politica 51(1), 2013
Book Chapters
Se rompió el amor: cambios en la opinión pública durante el proceso constituyente
with Emilia Saffirio
in El proceso fallido: La dinámica constituyente en Chile, 2020-2022, Claudio Fuentes (editor). 2023 -
Determinants of personalised campaigning: a comparative analysis
with Iakovos Makropoulos, Sofia Collignon, Heiko Giebler, Wolfgang Rüdig and Bernhard Weßels
in Parliamentary Candidates Between Voters and Parties, Lieven De Winter, Rune Karlsen, Hermann Schmitt (eds.) 2020 -
Ciclo de vida y diferencias organizacionales en los partidos de la centro-derecha chilena
with Stephanie Alenda and Tomas Dosek
in Anatomía de la centro-derecha chilena: nuevos y viejos protagonistas, Stephanie Alenda (editor). 2020 -
More Political, Less Voting: the Internet Paradox
in More Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box: Another 50 things you need to know about elections, Rob Ford and Phil Cowley (eds.), 2016
Research Interests
My main research interest lies in the intersection between Political Behaviour, Comparative Politics, and quantitative methods.
My current research agenda includes:
- Electoral politics, with an emphasis on British and Chilean politics
- Elite politics: candidates and legislators from a comparative approach
- Public opinion
- Latent variable estimation
- (Not so) big data, data management, visualisation, and automated collection
I am open to any questions about potential PhD supervision, just drop me an email.